“Is It Possible To Feel Passionate Again?”
8 Simple Steps That Bring The Passion Back
I recently received a letter from a student, Michael, who is having a challenge when it comes to kissing his wife. When he “makes his move”, she rejects him… she pulls away.
It is possible to rekindle the spark no matter how long you’ve waited to seek a solution. Why? Because deep down inside every woman is a young girl, secretly dreaming of romance and passion. Not only is it human nature to want closeness, affection and connection with our beloved, women (as well as men) crave variety and spontaneity.
Do you want your lady to secretly dream of romance and passion with you again? You can! Even if what you’ve tried isn’t working. To recreate the spark you once had, look through this list of conditions, behaviors and attitudes a couple needs to have in place for both partners to feel that ONEness, closeness and passion for each other again.
Review this checklist to see which of these areas need the most attention in your relationship.
Discover How To Pull Your Wife Closer!

Reclaim Passion In 8 Steps
Here is a high-level overview of the eight ways of thinking and acting that get her excited to be with you intimately again. Further down you’ll get even more detail to create your own turn-around plan.
Increase your masculine behaviors to become more appealing to her feminine side.
Assume responsibility for your own happiness instead of depending on your partner’s signals. Be your own man of integrity.
Take charge of your intimate relationship and provide sensual leadership for your partner.
Actively help your wife overcome whatever resistance issues are holding her back from feeling her desire for intimacy with you.
Give her your approval when she pleases you. Reward her for progress toward more passion. Set boundaries for respectful relating.
Stop “trying to get sex,” and instead become the man she wants to make love to by inspiring her and leading her to pleasure.
Ignite her sensual reawakening by romancing her first as you bring sensual and seductive moments into your everyday relating.
Escalate her feelings of passion by seducing her in ways she loves and responds to as you ignite her passion by learning new lovemaking techniques and actively becoming a better lover.
You’re Not Alone
This is the specific group of behaviors, actions and attitudes that you can…
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—— Susan Bratton is a mother of one, an award-winning online marketer, co-founder with her husband, Tim, of Personal Life Media and author of ten books on passionate lovemaking and romance. Revive Her Drive is her online home study course for men in relationship who want more passion with their wives and girlfriends.
She is an influential voice to make men better lovers through support, rather than blame, intelligent education, instead of porn; it’s her mission to eliminate shame in conversations about the topic that’s top of mind for EVERYONE: sex. She’s one smart cookie, and she’s taking on the issues of male personal growth and sexual maturation in a very interesting way that begs to be heard.